HistCite has not been in active development for some time. It is no longer supported by Clarivate. However, you can download it here.
Getting Started using HistCite
- Download the dataset in plain text format from Web of Science database.
- Edit the first line of the exported plain text file to change: FN Clarivate Analytics Web of Science to FN Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge
- Drag the file to the HistCite icon.
Basic Concepts
GCS - Global Citation Score shows the total number of citations to a paper in the Web of Science Core Collection.
LCR - Local Cited References shows the number of citations in a paper's reference list to other papers within the collection.
LCS - Local Citation Score shows the count of citations to a paper within the collection.
CR - Number of Cited References shows the number of cited references in the paper's bibliography.
Recs - Number of Records shows the number of records where a given item is found.
T* - Total [score] Any Total score represents a sum of respective scores for all records from a given author, source, other category, or all records. e.g. TLCS = Total Local Citation Scores.
Stop Words Words that used so frequently so that it is common to omit them when compiling topical dictionaries.
Bibliometric View Only
LCSx - Local Citation Score excluding self-citations shows the count of citations to a paper within the collection excluding author self-citations.
LCS/t = Local Citation Score per year from paper publication to the end of the collection
GCS/t = Global Citation Score per year from paper publication to the end of the collection
LCSb = Local citations at beginning of the time period covered. It is calculated as explained under "Collection Span" above.
LCSe = Local citations at the end of the time period covered.
LCS e/b = Ratio of local citations in the end and beginning periods. This ratio shows whether a paper gained more of its citations in the period immediately after publication (LCS e/b < 1) or if there has been a relative increase in citations in recent years (LCS e/b >1).
Unifying variations in the format of the cited references
There are several tools within HistCite to help unify the citation format.
- Use the edit tool to standardize several citations at once. Use the move-to tool to find variant references. Using the Edit tool Choose the Edit tool from the tools menu. After the edit tool is opened, you will notice that each reference now has a check box on the left side. Check all the references that you want to standardize. Enter the standardized citation that you wish the variant references to appear as into the grey bar (the edit tool box) at the top of the page. Click "Proceed" and HistCite will change all the checked references to the citation you entered into the grey box.
- Using the Move-to tool Choose Move-to from the tools menu. Set the first box to "authors" and enter the author's name in the second box. This will sort the entire file of citations by author's name and then move to the place in the sorted list where that author's name appears. Since the citations are sorted by author, then year, then source, most of the variations to a single source appear together in the same area. Sometimes, you will have to search a little to find all the variations.
Articles or citations without page numbers may not match
HistCite must have a page number in the cited and citing items to match the citations. If the Cited Article does not have a page number (e.g. only has an article number), then the citing article will not be matched to this cited article, and therefore the LCS value will not include the count of this citation. Workaround: Adding a beginning page of 1 in both cited and citing items will have an LCS calculated in HistCite.